GO stands for Green Operations. GO Group is an independent, pan European and cross industry think-tank to inspire people in the music festival and events industry to run their operations greener and smarter.
It was initiated by the Green Music Initiative (GMI) and our friends at Bucks University (Teresa Moore), GreenEvents Conference (Holger Jan Schmidt) and Yourope (Christoph Huber / The European Festival Association) at the first GreenEvents Conference end of 2010. Two preparatory meetings with Finja Goetz and Julia Gudzent from Melt! Festival / Berlin Festival (Germany) and Linnea Svensson from Ă–ya Festival (Norway) in February and March identified key issues for the first GO Group Workshop on 23-24 May 2011.
GO Group meetings are open to stakeholders interested in actively pushing the Green Agenda.
Therefore we would like to invite you (or your sustainability manager) to take part in the discussions…
GO Group will:
1) Identify international best practices in sustainable innovations for the music festival and event industry
2) Build a Sustainability Training Curriculum for festival and event promoters in collaboration with Bucks University
3) Aggregate, communicate and share the collective knowledge with interested stakeholders from all over Europe
4) Establish working relationships between different industry groups to enable practical and spontaneous exchange of personal experiences