1st GO Group Workshop – Energy and Communication

The first 2-day GO Group workshop for Sustainable Festivals & Events focussed on energy related issues (day 1) and effective communication tools (day 2).

Day 1, 23 May 2011 11:00 – 18:00 – Energy
On Day 1, we discussed best practise cases on how to overcome dirty and expensive generators, how to apply renewable energy sources practically and how to run operations more efficiently and thereby reduce costs and CO2 emissions.

Chairs: Teresa Moore, Bucks University, UK and Jacob Bilabel, Green Music Initiative, DE

Introduction and energy efficiency
Teresa Moore, Bucks University / Jacob Bilabel, Green Music Initiative / Emma Barfod, Hafslund

Connecting to the power grid
Emma Barfod, Hafslund, NO

Greener generators
Artur Mendes, Boom Festival / Rob Hutchinson, Innovation Power

Festivals unplugged
Julia Gudzent, Melt! Festival DE / Eric van Eerdenburg, Lowlands Festival, NL

Day 2, 24 May 2011, 9:00 – 15:00 – Audience Communication
On Day 2, we discussed effective communication tools looking at ways; – to involve the audience in your green efforts   and  how to communicate sustainability to your visitors before, during and after the event. We shared ideas on how the audience can be informed, guided, encouraged and stimulated investigating what works and what doesn’t.

Chairs: Linnéa Svensson, Øya Festival, NO and Holger Jan Schmidt, Rheinkultur Festival & GreenEvents Conference, DE

Introduction, Measures, Tools, Examples
Linnéa Svensson, Øya Festival, NO and Holger Jan Schmidt, Rheinkultur Festival, DE

Presentation – Different countries,  Different systems, Different people? experiences from Øya and RhEINKULTUR
Linnéa Svensson and Holger Jan Schmidt

Case Study – Roskilde Green Footsteps: Best practise and the success of the Roskilde sustainability programme
Marie Rogvi, Roskilde Festival, DK

Workshop Audience communication, best and worst practise, success and failure, audience behaviour, guidance and involvement

The GO Group discussions are open and frank.
Anyone can join, contribute and speak. There are presentations to stimulate the discussions and we run open space sessions to cater for individual needs. You are actively invited to share your personal concerns, daily challenges and obstacles, valuable experiences, best and worst practices, green dreams and pioneering ideas.

Practical information
Date: Start: 23 May 2011, 11:00;   End: 24 May 2011, 15:00
Venue: ID&T Headquarters in Amsterdam, Netherlands
Kindly co-hosted by: ID&T (Thank you, very much!)

Including: invitation, programme, report, presentations, pictures

