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We are looking forward to meeting you again, because we want to talk about today and tomorrow, about green issues, sustainability and climate action. In over ten years of existence our pan-European think-tank GO Group like no other institution brought together hundreds of festivals, scientists, initiatives and suppliers involved in festival and event organisation to […]
Happy new year everybody! Usually the GO GROUP year starts off big in Groningen (NL) at ESNS. And somehow 2021 still does the same. Still at ESNS, but from home and in the virtual world. We would like to draw your attention to these three sessions you can bingewatch in a row on Thursday January […]
It is with great regret that we must inform you today that we have decided to cancel the 9th international GO Group workshop in Roskilde. The teams of Roskilde Festival and GO Group (Green Operations Europe) have jointly decided to take this step based on the development of the pandemic worldwide. We had looked forward […]
At this moment many of our great and creative colleagues need solidarity and support, because our sector is one of those hit hardest by the pandemic. We bring people together, we make them exchange and that’s what’s not possible right now. Concerts, clubs and festivals have been closed first and will start again last when […]
A legend turns 50 and it is the perfect timing for GO Group to finally go to Denmark. Roskilde Festival’s anniversary is a tribute to the youth activism and civic commitment that will pave the way for a better future. We are proud to be part of this celebration and happy to once again present […]
Due to the current everchanging situation caused by the Corona virus we as organizers together with our host Roskilde Festival have concluded to postpone the 9th international GO GROUP workshop in Roskilde (original date March 30 & 31st). After serious and constructive exchange between the partners we agree that it is our responsibility to follow […]
Yesterday evening (wed 15th of January 2020) the Green Operations Award 2019 winner was revealed at the European Festival Awards ceremony at ESNS Eurosonic Noorderslag in Groningen. The award jury choose the winner and it is OPEN AIR ST.GALLEN (CH). Congratulations! While the award ceremony was wonderfully co-hosted for the first time by our GO Group-Sister Claire O’Neill (A […]
We are proud to present this year nomminnees for the GREEN OPERATIONS AWARD 2019! The 8th winner of the sustainability and green issues related category of the European Festival Awards is decided by a jury of experts from this exciting list of nominated festivals: Electric Castle (ROM) OpenAir St.Gallen – official (CH) Øyafestivalen (NO) PortAmérica […]
The Green Operations Award is an annual award category of the European Festival Awards. It is presented by Yourope and GO Group. Its target group are festivals that have made a significant contribution to or achievement towards developing more sustainable events. Examples for respective achievements are practises and systems introduced at their own event, the […]
Talking business in magical surroundings: The European Festival Conference (EFC) returns for a third edition of panel discussions, keynote interviews, presentations and workshops, specifically tailored to the festival business. This year’s edition takes place Nov. 20-23 at the beautiful Mas Salagros EcoResort in Vallromanes, 25 kilometers outside of Barcelona in Catalunya, Spain. Organized by Europe’s […]